
Welcome to the GSA Karst Division

The Karst Division (KD) was formally approved by GSA Council in December 2015. In the U.S., rocks with the potential to be karstic occur in every one of the 50 states, and approximately 18% of their area is underlain by soluble rocks either having karst or the potential for its development (Weary and Doctor 2014). Portions of major cities and innumerable smaller cities are underlain by karst (e.g., St. Louis, MO; Nashville, TN; Birmingham, AL; Austin, TX; Louisville, KY). According to Veni and colleagues (2001), karst terrane underlies approximately 25% of the global land surface. Ford and Williams (1989) estimated that “25% of the global population is supplied largely or entirely by karst waters” and approximately 1.5 billion people live in karstic terrain."

GSA, with its multidisciplinary geosciences scope and large, international membership, is helping to bring prominence to karst science and to provide a scientific focal point for karst researchers across the disciplines.


  • GSA Connects Deadline Coming Up!

    Dear All, 

    It is that time of the year again! 

    We would like to welcome abstract submissions to Fall 2024 GSA sessions. 
    GSA will be held in Anaheim this September (22-25) and we will have three sessions running! 
    T97: New Frontiers in Cave and Karst Science.
    T100: Karst Hydrology and Hydrogeology.
    T101: Karst Sedimentary, Paleoclimate, and Historical Records 
    Abstract deadline: 18 June, 2024 11:59 PM Pacific Time (Home - Connects 2024 (geosociety.org))
  • Nominations for GSA Karst Divisions Open

    The GSA Karst Division encourages and recognizes excellence in scholarship and service through three annual awards. We are now soliciting nominations for all three awards. Please nominate one or more of your deserving colleagues! This year, nominations are due March 31st.

    Meritorious Contribution Award: Awarded to the author of a published paper or body of work of distinction that has significantly influenced the intellectual direction of karst or broadly enhanced the knowledge of the discipline.

    Early Career Scientist Award: Awarded to a distinguished scientist (35 or younger throughout the year in which the award is to be presented, or within 5 years of their highest degree or diploma) for outstanding achievement in contributing to the karst profession through original research and service, and for the demonstrated potential for continued excellence throughout their career.

    Distinguished Service Award: Awarded as a highly esteemed award in recognition of distinguished personal service to the karst profession and to the GSA Karst Division.

    To submit nominations for any of these awards, please send an email to awards.gsakarst@... (and cc the Division Secretary, daniel.s.jones@...) that includes the following:

    1. GSA Karst Division Award Nomination Form

    2. A letter of recommendation explaining the merit of the nominee's work and its role in advancing karst studies. (You may also solicit additional letters of support.)

    3. A Curriculum Vitae for the nominee

    Nominees do not need to be Karst Division members to be eligible for these awards, but it adds merit to the nomination.

    More information on our awards is available on our website: https://community.geosociety.org/karstdivision/home. And thank you for supporting the GSA Karst Division!

Latest Discussions

  • Dear Friends and Colleagues, Just a reminder that the abstract deadline for the Fall GSA Meeting in Anaheim (September 22-25) is EARLY this year! Submit ... More

  • In honor of Cave Week , consider sharing your cutting-edge research and insights by submitting an abstract to one of these Karst Division-Endorsed ... More

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