O.E. Meinzer Award


Presentation of the 2022 O.E. Meinzer award by Yu-Feng F. Lin (right) and John Cherry (left) to Beth Parker (middle).

The Award

The Hydrogeology Division of the Geological Society of America invites nominations for the O. E. Meinzer Award. The award's namesake, Oscar Edward Meinzer (1876-1948), has been called the "father of modern groundwater hydrology." He served as chief of the Ground Water Division of the U.S. Geological Survey from 1912 to 1946. A short biography of Meinzer can be found in David Deming's Introduction to Hydrogeology (McGraw Hill, 2002), p. 86-87.

The Meinzer award recognizes the author or authors of a publication or body of publications that have significantly advanced the science of hydrogeology or a closely related field. There are no restrictions as to the publisher of the work(s) and the award is not restricted to members of the Hydrogeology Division or of the Society. Particular weight is given to contributions that can be shown to have strongly influenced subsequent hydrogeologic research. For additional guidance, it may be helpful to examine the list of previous Meinzer Award winning publications available on this Web site. Procedures for selecting award winners are codified in the Division's Rules and Regulations, which are also available on this Web site.

How to Nominate

The Nomination must cite the publication(s) on which the nomination is based and describe the role of the publication(s) in advancing hydrogeology or a closely related discipline. Inclusion of up to three additional third-party letters in support of the nomination is encouraged. Please include a copy of each publication cited (in the case of a book, include a copy of the title page, table of contents, and introduction or other brief summary of the contents). Nominations should be sent to gsa.hydro.nominations@gmail.com. Nominations should not be revealed to anyone outside the Committee, including the nominee.

Submission Deadline

Nominations must be received by February 1.

O.E. Meinzer Award Recipients

Click here to see the O.E. Meinzer Recipient Data Base. The data base includes award year, award winner and award winner's paper(s).

Click here to see a list of archived PDFs of published award announcements and recipient responses.